Interfaith Inspirer Newsletter

Read and Be Inspired!

An image of the Center's monthly newsletter, the Interfaith Inspirer.

Click the date below to view or download the new Interfaith Inspirer.



Interfaith Inspirer Staff:
  • Bethany King, Editor
  • Annemarie Howse, Layout
  • Norah Reilly, Content Manager
  • Delyth Balmer and Annemarie Howse, Advisors


We would love to feature your writing.  Spiritual moments, movie/book reviews, special announcements, and poems are welcome.  We try to have the newsletter ready for final editing by the third Sunday of each month.  Please keep the Submission Guidelines in mind.

Contributions should be submitted by the 10th of the month for publication in the following month’s newsletter. If your submission is time-sensitive, it needs to be there on time.  If not, we’ll bump it into the following newsletter.

Exception:  additions to the calendar can be added at the last minute. Please email your piece as a Microsoft Word document and include photos no larger than 300 pixels.

  • If you submit an ad and we have a lot of material for the next issue, we may have to bump your ad.  Please understand.
  • Everything is subject to editing; even the most perfect editor lets someone else edit his/her writing!
  • Send contributions to Norah at with the subject line “Interfaith Submission.”  If you cannot email your submission, you can give it to Norah on Sunday.
Past Years’ Newsletters:


