Ministerial Miscellany April 2024 Your Life, Your Story
I am wondering how many of us have written out the story of our lives. These days our computers make it very easy. While others may like to read it, the process is actually for ourselves. We are not writing for what our lives could have been (although that would be a great exercise) but for what it really has been; how we feel about what we have been, what we have done and how we have touched and changed the lives of all the people we have known, worked with and played with. And as we do this process we get to review our lives for what we liked and what we did not like. We see who we have loved and lost, without really knowing why. We get an opportunity to be in touch with our compassion for ourselves. We decide how personal we want to be, or not. I have a notion that there is some true peace to be found in this process. I did some writing for Larry, my late husband, and for Larry’s Father, Joe Toth, before he died. I imagine his great grandchildren might be interested to know some of their family history that they have never heard. Now it is time to write my own.
I imagine the history that together we have created over 26 years at Interfaith, as part of our personal history, features much of the aspects above. And we will not be stopping anytime soon, so join us in the events we are planning. There is additional important information on our website:
- Sun. April 7, 1-3PM Annual Meeting, Board Elections and more!
- Wed. April 10, 7-8:15PM, Community sing with Matt Watroba. All voices welcome!! Song books provided! Donations welcome.
- Sat. April 13, 7-9PM, Cafe 704 Concert, with Marlena Studer and Steve Ragsdale, in person or on Zoom, $10.00.
- Sat. April 19th, Drummunity Drum Circle with Lori Fithian.
- Fri.-Sat. April 26-27, Meditation Retreat at Triple Crane Retreat Center in Chelsea, MI. Fundraiser for Interfaith. $200.00
Many Blessings as you enjoy Spring! Annie