Monthly Events

Visit the Cafe 704 page
Great music on 2nd Saturdays!!

Your donation in any amount supports this event
and is greatly appreciated.

ABOUT MATT : Many know Matt Watroba as the voice of folk music in Michigan for his work with WDET–Detroit Public Radio. As producer and host of the Folks Like Us program, and the nationally syndicated, Sing Out Radio Magazine and Folk Alley, Watroba has come in contact with many aspects of folk music and culture. This has helped shape a repertoire and presentation that is unique on stages across the state and country. He is committed to inspiring the world to sing– one town at a time. In 2019, Matt, along with his life-long musical partner Robert Jones, Co-founded the Detroit Non-Profit, Common Chords. Also in 2019, Matt Was inducted into the Folk DJ Hall of Fame at the Folk Alliance International conference in Montreal.

Share the flier.
For more information about Matt see his website at:

We sing short, soothing, comforting songs that are easy to learn and sing.  Many (but not all) of them come from the Threshold Choir repertoire. You can sing along, lead a song for our friendly, welcoming group (usually around a dozen people), or simply listen. There is no charge (donations to Interfaith Center are appreciated) and no experience is necessary.  

Participants tell us how calm and uplifted they feel after a Singing for Comfort session.  We hope you can come experience the peace and comfort.

Zoom link: – passcode: sing
Phone in:  (646) 558-8656  (Meeting ID: 338 524 966# Passcode:sing)  

The word Peace from the Peace Pole at ICSG

Bring your inner light to bring loving kindness to the world, offer healing energy,  generate world peace, create inner space for forgiveness to grow, envision miracles, and even hold our planet in light at this silent meditation circle. Stay for a few minutes or for the entire time of inner and outer harmony. Meets the third Friday of each month. Click here to learn more about the Peace Generator vision.

Zoom link:
Phone in: (646) 558-8656  (Meeting ID: 213 742 5638#)

Join percussionist/drum circle leader Lori Fithian for a family-friendly music/drum jam – an evening of rhythm games, vocal improv, movement and more, with a focus on FUN!
Drums provided or bring your own sounds. All instruments & all ages welcome

Ever since leading that first drum circle at West Park in 1998, Lori Fithian has been offering her “Drummunity” programs throughout the Great Lakes region – at libraries, schools, conferences, faith communities, retreats, camps, festivals, and family celebrations. She’s got a van loaded full of drums & percussion, a lifetime of music-making experience, and lots of circle-singing & improvisation games.


Every year, World Peace Meditation Day is held on December 31 as the whole world contemplates the start of a new year. It bears the promise of ushering in a new era of peaceful relations in the world by making people more mindful of concepts like self-control and personal development. It is commonly known that when people are at peace with themselves, they are more likely to seek out and build peaceful relationships in their community and country. Even in those parts of the world that are affected by war, meditation can help those affected by violence to overcome their loss and avoid being negatively affected by the events taking place around them. More information at

Wake Up Laughing & Wise Up Loving:
Swami Beyondananda & Beyond
Saturday, September 30, 2023, 7:30 p.m.
in person and on Zoom

Guest Speaker Marianne Williamson
Sunday, September 10, 10:45 am
“The Spirit of America”

Drum and Dance Jam!

Interfaith Center’s
25th Anniversary Silver Ball
April 29, 2023, 6 pm


Thursday, Nov 24, 2022

Awakening The Heart
An eight week class with Brett Koon

Thursdays beginning October 6, 2022 – 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Summer Picnic at Murray Lake
Sat., Aug. 20, 2 p.m.

for Christina Morales Hemenway’s next film:

“Tommy Hollywood and Katie Encino
Move to the Midwest to Get Real”

What’s In Your Box?
Create your own Portable Spirit Altar

Presented by Laurie Knerr

Moving Beyond the Limited Self
with Brett Koon


THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 2022 – in person and on Zoom

Sacred Sound Journey
with Mark and Roberta Maxwell

Saturday, May 22, 2021, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Experiencing Spirituality Through Service:
Continuing the Conversation with Paulette Stenzel

Bloom Where You Are:
Basic Flower Arranging for All Life Celebrations
with Laurie Knerr & Dawn Swartz


Jon Mund

Join us for a special online workshop with Jon Mundy on “God, the Ego, the Nature of Reality, or the Four Great Illusions.”


Jenny Donner
Awakening to Love

Guest Speaker &

Jenny Donner, a spiritual teacher and an intuitive healer and guide, brings her profound experience from her own spiritual journey.

James Twyman presents his celebrated
one-person musical
Brother Sun, Sister Moon

Based on the life of St. Francis of Assisi

Becoming Nobody – the new film about Ram Dass!