All posts by Delyth Balmer

September 2024 Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany – Giving and Receiving

I think we have all heard that giving is receiving, but is that something we actually experience? I don’t think it is very common. As a Catholic child growing up, I was taught “tis better to give than to receive.” As a young adult, I remember thinking, “This idea sucks. Why don’t I ever receive anything?” After spending a lot of years complaining about not receiving, I realized that I just did not have any spiritual understanding of giving and receiving. I was thinking that every time I gave something, I should then receive something from someone in a similar way. That’s not quite how it works. I have indeed been receiving endlessly throughout my life.

Giving and receiving are two aspects of the same flow of energy in the Universe. We inspire change and healing from an egoless place deep within ourselves. When we willingly give what we seek, we keep abundance of our universe flowing. I finally discovered I could never manipulate receiving – just be available and here it is. I gave up being needy. It took some growing up. All of you are great examples!

Our special events at Interfaith in September will give us all opportunities for giving and receiving. More information is on our website:

On September 8th during Sunday service, we will have our Gathering of the Waters Ceremony, celebrating our end of the summer return Home with each other. We bring a small bottle of water, commemorating where we have been this summer, sharing a memorable aspect of our experiences.

Blessings for a warm and mosquito-less Fall,


August 2024 ~ Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany August 2024 by Rev. Annie Kopko

It is interesting to me to think that we are involved in the art of our lives every day and somehow forget to acknowledge our own creativity and the importance of art in our lives. From the art and craft on our breakfast table to the colors of the clothes we decide to wear,  the design of the cars we drive off in to go to work and to the work itself, we are setting forth a great stream of creative consciousness. 

All this expressive flow of energy fulfills a need deep within us to creatively express life in and with everything around us and to continually communicate energetically with our environment. This really happens at a subconscious level. So as we bring this process to present consciousness, we recognize the power of our creativity and the  true beauty and spirit that we move around in and create in every day.  “Art is the mediator of the divine.”  These words were shared in an Interfaith Roundtable Forum recently, and I realized this is the outpouring of communication from God into all of our lives, and we are all being Spirit continually.  The more we become aware of this, the richer and more healing our daily lives can be. 

Watch how music is the Art and Spirit of our lives in these August events. See our website for more information at:  

  • Friday, August 2nd, our dear friend Steve Wyse will perform his “Down Home Dharma” concert from 7-9PM in person at the Center and via zoom at and on facebook. Love Offering
  • Saturday, August 3rd, Curtis Glatter, Drum and Dance Jam, 7:30-9PM. Last one of the year. In person. Completely interactive, bring drums if you like. $5 donation suggested.
  • Saturday, August 10th, Cafe 704 presents the Kozora Quartet. 7-9PM. In person or on Zoom, $10 per person.
  • Saturday, August 17th, Drummunity with Lori Fithian and friends, 7-9 PM. In person, interactive and great fun. Donations welcome.

Much Joy and Blessings,   Annie  

July 2024 ~ Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany, July 2024  React or Respond?

Are you responding to the words of another person, or are you reacting? This is what I have been thinking about lately. Watching myself and doing a little research with Google, I noticed that I often react negatively first and then respond. With a reaction, it is suggesting an outburst of emotion and stimulation of stress in my body, elevating my blood pressure. I am implying this is usually a negative reaction, but the same thing happens with a positive reaction, it just feels better and is more fun. 

What I am suggesting is that we try being aware of ourselves and the feelings in our bodies, and affirming that, we can almost automatically get to a place of consistently responding rather than reacting. I think it takes practice, but you are likely to have a better outcome to all kinds of conflicts.  What if we remember we always have choices? We pause, relax, and breathe deeply, remembering who we are, children of an infinitely loving God. We are surrounded by that Love all the time. I am appalled by how often I forget. Fortunately, I have all of you around me to remind me.  For this I am very grateful. Thank you for the Blessing of your presence. We all have each other, and as Ram Dass says, “We are all just walking each other home”.

Since we have choices, this month you might choose to attend some of our special events.

Additional information is always available on our website:

  • Sat. July 13th Cafe 704 at 7PM features Julie Beutel and fellow musicians. $10.00 in person or via zoom.
  • Sat. July 20th Drummunity at 7PM led by Lori Fithian, drumming and music with many people and fun instruments, sometimes outside! Donations appreciated.
  • Sun. July 28th 10:45 a.m. Steve Wyse is our guest speaker & musician at the Sunday Celebration Service. He will also be with us Fri. Aug. 2nd at 7PM for a live music concert he calls “Down Home Dharma: Americana Songs of Consciousness and Unconsciousness and the Spiritual Journey of a Heyoka” Love offering. 

I hope you are enjoying being outside…enjoying this great weather, and that your “weather” inside feels good too, as we enjoy the gifts of Spirit.      

       Love,  Annie

May 2024 Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

By the time you read this, the eclipse of the sun will be over, but I want to talk about the sun, the moon, and the stars, and what an extraordinary gift to all of our lives on earth and what an extraordinary gift to our conscious imagination. When my sisters, my brother, and I were young, our Dad would take us out on moonless nights when we could see the whole Milky Way stretched across the sky and look at the stars. I remember feeling so tiny and insignificant, yet I wondered how I could be so large to be conscious of the vastness of the whole sky, seeing millions of stars all at once. In those days, we did not pay much attention to the constellations, but the planets were clearly visible. It was good practice for the expansion of consciousness, and awareness of a loving Universe full of ancient and eternal beings.

I have always talked a lot about the importance of Nature, getting out in Nature just to experience whatever thoughts and feelings come up. Often,  I overlook the night sky because it is so light around here in Southeast Michigan that you cannot see the Milky way or many constellations. So….. when you can get off to a place with a truly dark sky it will blow your mind.

Please join us at Interfaith for our many groups and classes. I will mention a few special ones. See much more information on our website:

Sat. May 4th, Drum and Dance Jam with Curtis Glatter. 7:30-9pm Suggested donation $5.

Wed. May 8th, Community Sing with Matt Watroba. 7-8:30pm, Donations encouraged to offset costs.

Sat. May 11th, Café 704 with Spirit Singing Band-Kath Weider, Sam Clark, Dan Bilich, Lori Fithian & Friends. We will all be invited to sing! Doors open at 6:30, concert 7-9pm. In person or on Zoom tickets $10.

Sat. May 18th, Drummunity-Drum Circle with Lori Fithian. 7-9pm.

Sat. May 25th, Sound Journey Gong Meditation with Dana Piper and Sharon Harris. 7-8:30pm (No admittance after the event begins). $20.Blessings and Love,  Annie

June 2024 Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko ~ Many Blessings

Ever since my husband Larry died in 2021, I have been finding and clearing up many papers.  Like me, Larry would write down quotes on small pieces of paper.  I found one this week that I think is worth sharing: 

“To Bless means to wish, unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of our hearts, unrestricted good for others and events; it means to hallow, to hold in reverence, to behold with awe that which is always a gift from the Creator.  To Bless is to invoke divine care upon, to speak or think gratefully for, and to confer happiness upon, although we ourselves are never the bestower, but simply the joyful witnesses of life’s abundance.”  Pierre Praderand from The Gentle Art of Blessing 

You may have noticed that I always end my monthly Ministerial Miscellany with my Blessings to you, but I have never had such a clear statement of the meaning before this. Also, I must not forget to Bless myself, but I surely do. Oh, that’s right, whenever I bless another, I am also blessing myself. You do too!

You will certainly find Blessings by joining the events at Interfaith.  Please check our website for meetings, classes, spiritual study groups, and special events:  Most information is on the home page, with more information just a click away! 

  • Saturday, June 1, 7:30 PM Drum & Dance Jam with Curtis Glatter. Donation.
  • Saturday, June 8th, 7 PM Cafe 704 with David Mosher, in person or on Zoom. $10.00.
  • Wednesday, June 12th, 7 PM, Community Sing with Matt Watroba. All voices welcome!  Song books provided.  Donation.
  • June 15th, 7 PM, Drummunity with Lori Fithian, Donation.

…..And these Special Solstice Events

  • June 21st, 8 PM, Solstice Meditation with Norma Gentile. Tickets $20.00. 
  • June 22nd, 7 PM, Solstice Sing led by Lori Fithian. Donation.
  • June 29th, 7 PM, Dances of Universal Peace with Susan Slack. $10.00 suggested donation.

Many Blessings,     Annie

April 2024 Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany April 2024   Your Life, Your Story

I am wondering how many of us have written out the  story of our lives. These days our computers make it very easy. While others may like to read it, the process is actually for ourselves. We are not writing for what our lives could have been (although that would be a great exercise) but for what it really has been; how we feel about what we have been, what we have done and how we have touched and changed the lives of all the people we have known, worked with and played with. And as we do this process we get to review our lives for what we liked and what we did not like. We see who we have loved and lost, without really knowing why. We get an opportunity to be in touch with our compassion for ourselves. We decide how personal we want to be, or not. I have a notion that there is some true peace to be found in this process. I did some writing for Larry, my late husband, and for Larry’s Father, Joe Toth, before he died. I imagine his great grandchildren might be interested to know some of their family history that they have never heard. Now it is time to write my own.

I imagine the history that together we have created over 26 years at Interfaith, as part of our personal history, features much of the aspects above. And we will not be stopping anytime soon, so join us in the events we are planning. There is additional important information on our website:

  • Sun. April 7, 1-3PM Annual Meeting, Board Elections and more!
  • Wed. April 10, 7-8:15PM, Community sing with Matt Watroba. All voices welcome!!  Song books provided!  Donations welcome.
  • Sat. April 13, 7-9PM,  Cafe 704 Concert, with Marlena Studer and Steve Ragsdale, in person or on Zoom, $10.00.
  • Sat. April 19th,  Drummunity Drum Circle with Lori Fithian.
  • Fri.-Sat. April 26-27, Meditation Retreat at Triple Crane Retreat Center in Chelsea, MI. Fundraiser for Interfaith. $200.00

Many Blessings as you enjoy Spring!   Annie

February 2024 Ministerial Miscellany ~ Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany February 2024

I decided to go back to read A Course in Miracles. I first read parts of it in 1980 and did the Workbook lessons for a couple of years. It seems unremarkable that I still have similar thoughts about the book as I did 44 years ago. I still think there is too much use of the word God. I have a lot of “baggage” around that word due to my Catholic training. I still personally think it leaves too many people out of the picture who do not believe in God. Too many people will never pick it up and never be able to receive the good lessons it has for us. 

For myself, I am still having a hard time, since it seems to speak of an entity called God outside of ourselves who seems to be like a human being, which of course it is not. And the language is complex as well, but I have decided that I can benefit from forging ahead with my reading, and my spirituality has expanded over the years. There is enough that intrigues me and enough that feels important and positive to me that keeps me going…even when I am confused. I trust I will eventually get it. 

With so many lines to quote from over a thousand pages, I choose these to share from lesson 20 of the Workbook: 

“You want to be happy. You want peace.  You do not have them now, because you cannot distinguish between joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, love and fear. You are now learning to tell them apart.  And great will be your reward.” 

Join us this month: Saturday, Feb. 24th for Full Moon Kirtan with Trevor Eller and Friends, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Think about running for the Board of Trustees for Interfaith. There are 3 two-year openings. Speak to any of the Nominating Committee members: Annie, Delyth, Marice or Heide to find out the details. You may also choose to attend one or both of the next two board meetings to learn more on Tuesday Feb. 27th 10:30 am-12:30 pm and Sunday March 17th 1:30-3:30 pm. You can join via the zoom link:

Sending Blessings of joy and happiness to All,      Annie

January 2024 – Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany Jan. 2024  Happy peaceful New Year

Are you looking for change in the new year? Look for peace.  Write as many new resolutions as you want to, and make sure you write something about Peace for yourself and for the world. Where there is war in the world, I want to know about it. But I also want to know where there is Peace in the world. I suggest that we will not find peace without conflict, but we can solve our conflicts by peaceful means. We can do this in many parts of our lives and in the world every day. We can do this with respect, with compassion and with understanding.

Truly, the only place where we can be sure there is peace is in our own hearts. As we seek to find peace in our hearts, every day can be one of peace. And while we are at it, may we also be conscious of the need for forgiveness in our world. As we imagine a world of forgiveness, peace is not far behind. I do think forgiveness comes first, and it requires some deep personal awareness. Peace may be achieved by an agreement to avoid conflict. Lasting peace may require a deep desire for true forgive- ness and compassion. May this blessing allow us to live our best lives. 

Finding your best life at Interfaith?  Here are some opportunities! As always, check our website at for more special weekly events and classes. Here are a few coming up soon:

  • Wednesday, Jan.10th, Matt Watroba is here for our monthly Community Sing. 7-8:15 PM.  Your chance to sing!  Donations are welcome.
  • Saturday, Jan. 13th, Emily Slomovitz and Billy King will be here for Cafe 704. In person or on Zoom. 7-9 PM. Tickets: $10.00. 
  • Saturday, Jan. 20th, Drummunity – A drum circle led by Lori Fithian, 7-9 PM. Donations are welcome.

Have a great January and a Blessed New Year!


December 2023 Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany Dec. 2023  

Love your life, every little bit.

Ever since the onset of the pandemic, when my few in-person contacts with people included the necessity of going to the grocery store.  I have been considering the opportunity to go grocery shopping as a “therapeutic” event, one that I will consciously use to give myself a sense of joy and wonder. You know what? That’s what usually happens!  I continue to make each mundane task a special event for awareness. 

Last week at the grocery store, I walked in with 6 bottles to recycle. I noticed a line of trash bins, one of which had a large white bag with red Coke cans in it. I thought, “Surely this store takes Coke cans”.  I started having trouble feeding the cans into the machine, evidently I was not the only one, considering I had just found them all in the trash. Another woman was also having trouble and I was able to help her. Eventually all the cans went in, mine and hers.  I made a surprise $5 on that trip. It just takes an uplifting attitude, a desire to have fun wherever we are, whomever we are with, and to remember that Life is truly a gift in so many ways!

Showing up for events at Interfaith offers everyone a gift. Check out these many wonderful opportunities in December. More information at:

  • Saturday, Dec. 9th, 7 PM Cafe 704 with Peter Madcat Ruth, Emmy winning harmonica player, John Churchville, Tabla percussionist & special guest Ki5, vocalist, writer and producer. Tickets (In Person & on Zoom): $10.  
  • ALSO: Artisan 704 presents a special Holiday Gift Sale of crafts, jewelry, chocolate truffles and more. The sale will begin at 6 PM prior to the Cafe 704 and continue on Sunday Dec. 10th following the Sunday Celebration Service at 12:15 PM.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 13th, 7 PM, Community Sing with Matt Watroba.  We circle up and sing  all our favorite old songs together! Donations most welcome!
  • Saturday, Dec. 16th, 7 PM, Drummunity! Drum circle with Lori Fithian. Donations welcome!
  • Thursday, Dec. 21st, 7 PM, Solstice Sing Along led by Jean Chorazyczewski, Lori Fithian, Eric & Mary Fithian, Linda Teaman, Tom Voiles & Friends. FREE 
  • Sunday, Dec. 24th, 5:30 PM Finger Foods Potluck followed by 7 PM Christmas Eve Candle Lighting service led by Rev. David Bell. 
  • Sunday, Dec. 31, 7 AM World Peace Meditation led by Janet Somalinog & Craig Harvey, followed by Breakfast at Mark’s Midtown Coney Island, then back to the Center for our Annual Burning Bowl Ceremony led by Rev. Lyriel Claire.

                     Many Blessings and Merry Christmas,      Annie

October 2023 Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany Oct. 2023

       Last month, on September 10th, I was very gratified to be host to Marianne Williamson at our Interfaith center. It was an opportunity to welcome many people who otherwise may never have known about our community. To those of you who were not there, we had 178 attending in person and 54 on Zoom, our largest ever crowd for a Sunday morning service. It was indeed a wonder how we pulled it off, and I want to thank everyone who worked so hard to do the cleanup and painting, bring delicious treats, and help in every way possible. I am especially grateful to Delyth Balmer who coordinated us all for 2 weeks.

       I was fairly nervous that day in the role of Service Leader, but I do believe in taking on challenges, because by pushing ourselves a little extra we gain strength and resilience. When it was all over, I felt that I had gained a boost in my self-confidence. I am also very grateful to Marianne Williamson, who, as an extraordinary Spiritual teacher, is calling us forth to put our spiritual beliefs into action and serve humanity in whatever way we may be inspired to do. 

      Have a great month, and join us at Interfaith for our classes, discussion groups, and these special events:  (see our website at https// for more details)

  • Saturday, Oct. 7th, 12-6 PM for a “Spectacular 25th Anniversary Picnic-Potluck “ at Montibeller Park Pavilion, on Ellsworth near Carpenter, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.  (the Pavilion has heat if we need it) Sign up at the center for food and volunteer tasks. 
  • Saturday, Oct. 14th, 7-9 PM Cafe 704 – Paul Vornhagen and Aron Kaufman, in person and on Zoom. tickets $10.00
  • Sunday, Oct. 15th, 1-3 PM Quarterly Conversation in Community (QCC) Lunch at 12:30, by donation. At this meeting, we share our ideas, concerns, and desires for the future of our community.
  • Saturday, Oct. 28th, 7-9 PM Full Moon Kirtan with Chaitanya Trevor Eller by donation.

Blessings,   Annie