October 2023 Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany Oct. 2023

       Last month, on September 10th, I was very gratified to be host to Marianne Williamson at our Interfaith center. It was an opportunity to welcome many people who otherwise may never have known about our community. To those of you who were not there, we had 178 attending in person and 54 on Zoom, our largest ever crowd for a Sunday morning service. It was indeed a wonder how we pulled it off, and I want to thank everyone who worked so hard to do the cleanup and painting, bring delicious treats, and help in every way possible. I am especially grateful to Delyth Balmer who coordinated us all for 2 weeks.

       I was fairly nervous that day in the role of Service Leader, but I do believe in taking on challenges, because by pushing ourselves a little extra we gain strength and resilience. When it was all over, I felt that I had gained a boost in my self-confidence. I am also very grateful to Marianne Williamson, who, as an extraordinary Spiritual teacher, is calling us forth to put our spiritual beliefs into action and serve humanity in whatever way we may be inspired to do. 

      Have a great month, and join us at Interfaith for our classes, discussion groups, and these special events:  (see our website at https//:interfaithspirit.org for more details)

  • Saturday, Oct. 7th, 12-6 PM for a “Spectacular 25th Anniversary Picnic-Potluck “ at Montibeller Park Pavilion, on Ellsworth near Carpenter, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.  (the Pavilion has heat if we need it) Sign up at the center for food and volunteer tasks. 
  • Saturday, Oct. 14th, 7-9 PM Cafe 704 – Paul Vornhagen and Aron Kaufman, in person and on Zoom. tickets $10.00
  • Sunday, Oct. 15th, 1-3 PM Quarterly Conversation in Community (QCC) Lunch at 12:30, by donation. At this meeting, we share our ideas, concerns, and desires for the future of our community.
  • Saturday, Oct. 28th, 7-9 PM Full Moon Kirtan with Chaitanya Trevor Eller by donation.

Blessings,   Annie

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