Ministerial Miscellany Jan. 2024 Happy peaceful New Year
Are you looking for change in the new year? Look for peace. Write as many new resolutions as you want to, and make sure you write something about Peace for yourself and for the world. Where there is war in the world, I want to know about it. But I also want to know where there is Peace in the world. I suggest that we will not find peace without conflict, but we can solve our conflicts by peaceful means. We can do this in many parts of our lives and in the world every day. We can do this with respect, with compassion and with understanding.
Truly, the only place where we can be sure there is peace is in our own hearts. As we seek to find peace in our hearts, every day can be one of peace. And while we are at it, may we also be conscious of the need for forgiveness in our world. As we imagine a world of forgiveness, peace is not far behind. I do think forgiveness comes first, and it requires some deep personal awareness. Peace may be achieved by an agreement to avoid conflict. Lasting peace may require a deep desire for true forgive- ness and compassion. May this blessing allow us to live our best lives.
Finding your best life at Interfaith? Here are some opportunities! As always, check our website at for more special weekly events and classes. Here are a few coming up soon:
- Wednesday, Jan.10th, Matt Watroba is here for our monthly Community Sing. 7-8:15 PM. Your chance to sing! Donations are welcome.
- Saturday, Jan. 13th, Emily Slomovitz and Billy King will be here for Cafe 704. In person or on Zoom. 7-9 PM. Tickets: $10.00.
- Saturday, Jan. 20th, Drummunity – A drum circle led by Lori Fithian, 7-9 PM. Donations are welcome.
Have a great January and a Blessed New Year!