Ministerial Miscellany June 2023
I am writing this month about freedom, well ahead of the 4th of July holiday, so that we have a chance to really think about this idea. How much do we want freedom? What is it that we are willing to give up in order to feel free? The truth is, we are naturally free, but we daily heap onto ourselves all the expectations that the ego part of ourselves thinks we ought to be and do in order to be “successful” and we make ourselves into the “prisoners of production”. Let’s give up some of our attachments to this world and remember that our true expressions of our Spiritual Self is our choice to freely be our joy and our LOVE. We really are free to be happy or not.
What I notice with the recent deaths among the members of our community: (Esther in April, Ray in May, and Rose in June) is that I miss their smiles, and their energy, and their enthusiasm in just being alive. Just to know that we are going to die forces us to make more careful choices about our lives, choices about the thoughts that go through our minds and words that come out of our mouths. Let’s remember to be grateful for all of our freedoms.
At Interfaith we have many weekly and monthly classes and study groups. Check out our events and lots of useful information on our website at
Join the last of this series of the Community Sing with Matt Watroba on Wednesday, June 28th at 7:00-8:15 p.m. There will be joyful folk singing (always your old favorites) led by Matt, who is an extraordinary musician from Detroit. Donations are welcomed and encouraged!
Our next Cafe 704 is Saturday, July 8th. Scott McWhinney has announced this will be a fundraiser for the Interfaith Center. He and his band “PATH” and also Lori Fithian and Jean Chorazyczewski leading a “Folk Song Sing Along” will perform from 7:00-9:30 p.m. All funds raised will go to Interfaith. Tickets are $10.00 per person.
The next Drum and Dance Jam with Curtis Glatter is Saturday, August 5th at 7:30-9:00 p.m. Bring your drum or use one of ours. We appreciate a $5.00 donation for this event.
Sending blessings of freedom to All, Annie