February 2024 Ministerial Miscellany ~ Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany February 2024

I decided to go back to read A Course in Miracles. I first read parts of it in 1980 and did the Workbook lessons for a couple of years. It seems unremarkable that I still have similar thoughts about the book as I did 44 years ago. I still think there is too much use of the word God. I have a lot of “baggage” around that word due to my Catholic training. I still personally think it leaves too many people out of the picture who do not believe in God. Too many people will never pick it up and never be able to receive the good lessons it has for us. 

For myself, I am still having a hard time, since it seems to speak of an entity called God outside of ourselves who seems to be like a human being, which of course it is not. And the language is complex as well, but I have decided that I can benefit from forging ahead with my reading, and my spirituality has expanded over the years. There is enough that intrigues me and enough that feels important and positive to me that keeps me going…even when I am confused. I trust I will eventually get it. 

With so many lines to quote from over a thousand pages, I choose these to share from lesson 20 of the Workbook: 

“You want to be happy. You want peace.  You do not have them now, because you cannot distinguish between joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, love and fear. You are now learning to tell them apart.  And great will be your reward.” 

Join us this month: Saturday, Feb. 24th for Full Moon Kirtan with Trevor Eller and Friends, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Think about running for the Board of Trustees for Interfaith. There are 3 two-year openings. Speak to any of the Nominating Committee members: Annie, Delyth, Marice or Heide to find out the details. You may also choose to attend one or both of the next two board meetings to learn more on Tuesday Feb. 27th 10:30 am-12:30 pm and Sunday March 17th 1:30-3:30 pm. You can join via the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82314587072

Sending Blessings of joy and happiness to All,      Annie

One thought on “February 2024 Ministerial Miscellany ~ Rev. Annie Kopko”

  1. Hi Annie
    It’s Mary Lee .
    I inadvertently erased your phone contact information. Could you give me a call if I am still in your contacts?

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