Ministerial Miscellany Nov. 2023
From day to day you might find me scribbling notes on envelopes and pieces of paper of all sizes and I get inspired by the words falling into my brain from outer and inner space. This week I looked up one of my favorite quotes. It is by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it”. This is one of the most inspiring quotes I have ever read, and I can feel the words fill me with energy to help me keep going sometimes.
Yet, I also feel very aware that we can push ourselves ahead with too much enthusiasm. We need to check in with our higher self and maybe slow down and even let go of our ideas and dreams. We may ask: is this my ego goal or my spiritual goal? Or, is this what I want to do right now? Sometimes the answer is “no, not really”. Just letting go is our balance point into the present moment. It is always a good thing to absolutely trust that Spirit is leading us in the right way. I love the word “surrender”. To me it is not giving up, it is giving over our choices to God. I can give over the stress and confusion that my ego has created; I can relax and breathe deeply and know that (even though it does not always look like it) all is well. All is Well.
Trusting that we are living our best lives as we connect with each other at special events at Interfaith starting with:
- Joy Pendelton’s Celebration of Life service, & potluck party, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2:30 PM. More information is on the website.
- Community Sing with Matt Watroba, Wednesday, Nov. 8th, 7PM. Donations greatly appreciated. Learn more about Matt and his music on our website:
- Cafe 704 with Jean Wilson and friends, Saturday, Nov. 11th 7:00 PM. Tickets $10.00 in person and on Zoom. Extraordinary Jazz. Come and dance!
- NEW: Drummunity-Drum Circle led by Lori Fithian, Nov 18th, 7 PM. Donations welcomed.
- Thanksgiving Day Potluck, Nov. 23, 1:00 p.m. All are welcome, bring friends, family and a dish to share. Happy Thanksgiving! May our gratitude abound.
Joining in Love and Peace, with prayers and blessings for our World.