Ministerial Miscellany November 2022 ~ Rev. Annie Kopko

November 2022 ~ Ministerial Miscellany    DO YOU HAVE TIME?

As the months move into Fall, I start thinking more about time. I am less comfortable in Nature as her energy moves into contraction. It is easy to watch negativity creep into my thoughts. I imagine it happens to many of us as the days become darker and the air becomes colder. I start to appreciate the sunshine more and more. I begin this waiting game every year, and I say to myself “Bring it on, the sooner winter comes, the sooner it goes”. Nevertheless, winter will stay long enough to greatly interfere with my plans for my life. This time of year is a good time to remember and renew our spiritual practices. In the summer, without the challenges, I let my practices lapse. Challenges are here to keep us strong and resilient. Change is pretty constant.

Sometimes I do remember that every one of us are timeless and eternal beings. We are blessed beyond our knowing. We are never alone. I personally believe that we are surrounded by angels who are helping us navigate our complicated world with love and creativity. One of my favorite practices is to do breathing exercises every day. I am aware that even just a few deep cleansing breaths can make me feel better, more hopeful, whole and complete.

After two years of no potlucks we are happy to say we will have a Thanksgiving Day Potluck gathering this year on Nov. 24th. Come at 12:30 with a dish to share and we will eat at 1PM. You can follow this link to tell us what you plan on bringing, or just let Delyth know via email at You are also welcome to bring board games and any other activities to play after dinner. All are welcome, bring your family, friends and neighbors.

This month Cafe 704 is featuring Jean Wilson and Friends on Nov. 12th. 7-9 p.m. Join us in person or on zoom. And be sure to check our website to see all the events and classes that are happening.

Blessings, Annie

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