Our Senior Minister Job Announcement Has Taken Flight!

Candles honoring our search for a part-time interfaith minister with interspiritual and New Thought leanings.How does a minister find the perfect community in which to unfold their gifts? How does a spiritual community connect to the right and perfect minister to lead them in their next stage of growth?

These are some of the questions the Search Committee has entertained in recent months. And now, after eight months of self-study, visioning, and refinement, we are posting the Job Announcement inviting applications for the role of part-time Senior Minister, starting when David Bell retires in June of 2017.

Help Us Give Wings to our Announcement

Now, it’s your turn again. We are asking that each of you pause now, close your eyes, and feel exactly how you want to feel when our new minister is among us.  With the right and perfect person leading us in our next stage of collective and individual spiritual growth, how do you feel?

Thrilled?  Grateful?  Relieved?  Excited to support them?  Excited about the support they provide you? What do you most want to feel in the presence of our new minister ? Invoke that feeling now, and let it fill your body for a moment or two. Energize that feeling as a way of helping our Job Announcement fly to the minister who is, at this very moment, seeking us.  

This is part of how we co-create our community. Let us make it a conscious process, choosing what we want, and infusing that choice with our commitment to our spiritual growth together. If you notice that your are struggling with this change (a natural human response), notice the feelings that arise, and take gentle care of them too, extending compassion to yourself and to those of us who are on this journey with you.

In this way, we support ourselves and thus our community in this time of transition. What is this like for you? Are you willing?

This exercise, added your daily practice, could be a gift to our community with immeasurable potential to attract wonderful applicants to the position.  Will you join us?

“Seeking Interfaith Minister” ~ Share This Link With Friends

Of course, we also invite you to share this Job Announcement link with your networkand invite your friends to share it, too!  The link includes the Job Announcement and lots of information about our community.

In related news… The Search committee has also kicked around the idea of a dance party and ceremony to honor the significance of posting the job and to celebrate the feelings you invoked in the exercise above. What do you think of this? Are you up for it?

Are we not overdue for a dance party at ICSG?  Costumes, perhaps? Ceremony? Playlists? Delectables? Let us know if this appeals to you, and if you’d like to volunteer as an organizer for any part of it!

With gratitude for your participation in this process,

The Ministerial Search Committee (Pat Root, Lindsay Passmore, Tommie Parker, Lisa Salisbury, Michael Bratcher, and Maureen Farley MacMahon)

One thought on “Our Senior Minister Job Announcement Has Taken Flight!”

  1. Update: The Search Committee decided to extend the deadline for applications until November 1, 2016 to accommodate the late distribution of our Job Announcement by the largest interfaith seminary. (The original deadline was October 1.)

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