July 2024 ~ Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko

Ministerial Miscellany, July 2024  React or Respond?

Are you responding to the words of another person, or are you reacting? This is what I have been thinking about lately. Watching myself and doing a little research with Google, I noticed that I often react negatively first and then respond. With a reaction, it is suggesting an outburst of emotion and stimulation of stress in my body, elevating my blood pressure. I am implying this is usually a negative reaction, but the same thing happens with a positive reaction, it just feels better and is more fun. 

What I am suggesting is that we try being aware of ourselves and the feelings in our bodies, and affirming that, we can almost automatically get to a place of consistently responding rather than reacting. I think it takes practice, but you are likely to have a better outcome to all kinds of conflicts.  What if we remember we always have choices? We pause, relax, and breathe deeply, remembering who we are, children of an infinitely loving God. We are surrounded by that Love all the time. I am appalled by how often I forget. Fortunately, I have all of you around me to remind me.  For this I am very grateful. Thank you for the Blessing of your presence. We all have each other, and as Ram Dass says, “We are all just walking each other home”.

Since we have choices, this month you might choose to attend some of our special events.

Additional information is always available on our website: https://interfaithspirit.org.

  • Sat. July 13th Cafe 704 at 7PM features Julie Beutel and fellow musicians. $10.00 in person or via zoom.
  • Sat. July 20th Drummunity at 7PM led by Lori Fithian, drumming and music with many people and fun instruments, sometimes outside! Donations appreciated.
  • Sun. July 28th 10:45 a.m. Steve Wyse is our guest speaker & musician at the Sunday Celebration Service. He will also be with us Fri. Aug. 2nd at 7PM for a live music concert he calls “Down Home Dharma: Americana Songs of Consciousness and Unconsciousness and the Spiritual Journey of a Heyoka” Love offering. 

I hope you are enjoying being outside…enjoying this great weather, and that your “weather” inside feels good too, as we enjoy the gifts of Spirit.      

       Love,  Annie

One thought on “July 2024 ~ Ministerial Miscellany by Rev. Annie Kopko”

  1. I love this! It’s a gentle reminder that “…it’s not what goes into a man’s mouth that defiles him, but what comes out”. Your joy and love exude from all you do and all you are. Thanks for sharing this.

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