Each one of Us Makes a Difference
I want to start by quoting a passage from A Course in Miracles. “For this alone I need; that you will hear the words I speak, and give them to the world. You are my voice, my eyes, my feet, my hands through which I save the World. The self from Which I call to you is but your own.” (Workbook, p 330)
About Six months ago I gave a talk which I titled “How to save the World”. Did I remember to say that we are doing it already? If it does not look like it, that is because there are not a very large number of us who actually remember that we already are children of God. The world is doing just what it needs to do to bring itself closer into balance by expressing the anger and pain acquired through being human, and becoming more divinely human. Each of us thinks he/she knows how everything should be, but ideas from one group don’t work for every group. Those of us who may see the larger picture, see the struggle for balance, and see the chaos that these efforts create. It seems that things are getting worse around the world: more war, more environmental disaster, more diseases, and more suffering. We could remember that we are not victims of the struggle. We each think differently and want different challenges. And, may I say, each of us is infinitely and divinely creative. We imagine a world of peace and equity. I don’t know if we are clear about what it takes, but we do try. I imagine that each of us in our own compassionate and loving way works to make it happen around us consistently in small ways.
Our one effort must be for forgiveness. Thinking from a higher place, each of us can only practice forgiveness and peace from within our own consciousness. There is no way to make everyone happy even with many possible outcomes. We should be assured of our extraordinary resilience and strength in doing the best we can. In fact, I believe that these challenges are what we want and planned before we were born, presenting us with “many opportunities for spiritual growth”. I don’t know about you, but there seem to be plenty of challenges in my own backyard, in my own house, and in my own mind and heart.
Remember to check our website: interfaithspirit.org. and the bulletin board for events and opportunities to celebrate community.
Many Blessings! Annie