Peace patch on golden background.

Faith in Mystery

“Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe in what we cannot see and the strength to let go of our fear of uncertainty,”

Brene Brown

This spring has brought transitions into our community like a whirlwind of air on a spring day.  It ushered in change that will soon bring about flowers of life, songs of spirituality, and community growth.  On April 1st 2018, the Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth senior minister unexpectedly departed from our community. Following a grieving and regrouping period of two weeks the ICSG Board hosted a weekend of peace circles at ICSG. Two talented and trained mediators guided community members in attendance to speak earnestly and openly about their human experiences, hopes, and dreams for the ICSG community.

Our community spoke of the trust they invested in creating a space of emotional safety over the previous ten months. They spoke of the painful challenge of the previous three weeks of seeking the opportunity in disguise for ICSG to become more than it had been before.

The idea for the community convening developed on April 3rd. Comfort and clarity became priorities for the board when the pleasant and jovial norms of Sunday Service announcements were broken on the second and third Sundays.

Synchronistically Khristian Speelman and Layla Ananda – professional conflict resolution facilitators – reached out separately to offer their skills of holding safe space for our community to share the experience of participatory healing.

Layla created an altar of rose quartz and a single candle in the center of the circles. Khristian opened the first circle with a prayer for open heartedness, intentional presence allowing healing and moving forward.

Our wireless microphone became our spiritual talking stick. Each person had the mic for three minutes to explain what they were processing, what was most important moving forward, and what they need or want to offer for our community to heal.

Between the forty humans on Saturday and the sixty humans on Sunday exquisite care and respect for the integrity of ICSG became apparent. Two specific themes stood out: our spiritual family and home and spiritual activism.

Spiritual Family and Spiritual Home is a feeling of the power of the collective and the individual. It includes everyone’s point of view where we learn and grow together while sharing spiritual presence. It is a feeling of full hearts no matter how things go in the outside world. It is a mirror of the divinity within each of us. It holds space for studies, celebrations, spiritual experiences, and fellowship.

Spiritual Activism at ICSG needs continued support and acknowledgment. Activism takes many forms and looks different for each person. We are called to activism. We are challenged to surrender unto Love by all of our exchanges with one another. Being present in this community is a tremendously profound amount of work. The world needs more love and at ICSG we are able to expand our ability to be more loving. Internal activism is healing our own inner pollution by asking ourselves such questions as what is my opportunity for change today? We hope to inspire and draw many more people with energy to do what it takes to heal this world. To walk in the mystery, extending Love to All That Is, and having faith that we are not alone in this world.  

Thank you Khristian Speelman and Layla Ananda for creating the peace circles with intention of engaging our spiritual community.

“And while I stood there, I saw more than I can tell and I understand more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being”

Black Elk, Wichasha Wakan Oglala Lakota.


-Mary Alice Truitt

ICSG Board Chair

3 thoughts on “Faith in Mystery”

  1. Beautiful, Mary Alice, thank you for your steadiness and wisdom, seeing the bigger picture while taking such thoughtful care to the precious individuals, all of us, and the smaller and practical details. We shall move forward, are moving forward, hearts open and thrust forward, together. I don’t know how to do a ‘heart’ icon here, 😉 <3. — Carol

  2. I am deeply sorry to hear of your loss. However, what we have been told, and have learned, as Larry and I have survived, that many times what a major loss brings will be a beautiful beginning – more than we imagine will transpire. What we learned is all of us are the best. We must be aware we are the Oneness and are the means of having whatever we desire. “We are the best. We deserve the best. We give the best. We receive the best. We are creating the best to happen in our lives. We expect the best to happen in our lives. We release anything that is less than the best for us.” Chant this every day and may your journey bring you even more abundance and joy.
    Bless you all,

  3. Over a year has passed now since Lauren Tatarsky left.
    Now it is time to forgive, forget and move on. I agree that
    this happening at Interfaith has changed us all. I like to think
    it is now time to move on if we haven’t already. Actually, Interfaith is doing better than ever with some beautiful new people in our congregation doing the sermons..
    We are also learning firsthand from different faiths and even from members of our congregation,
    Continued blessings to all of us!

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