In 1998, about 35 spiritual seekers established the Center as a church alternative welcoming people from all religious backgrounds. The founders came from the Unity movement, a form of Christian New Thought. They created the Center because they wanted a more intentional exploration of diverse faith traditions. The principles of New Thought are reflected in the world’s major spiritual traditions. For example:
The central theme in New Thought is that THOUGHT is creative. Thus, if we seek to change our lives, we must first change our minds.
Similarly, the Buddha taught:
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. WITH OUR THOUGHTS WE MAKE THE WORLD.”
~the Dhammapada
And Jesus said:
“Those who BELIEVE as I do shall do the works that I do and even greater works than these shall YOU do.”
~ The Bible, John 14:12
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