Volunteer for the Interfaith Center!

White lotus on blue background, with the inscription Namaste, a Sanskrit term meaning the Divinity in Me salutes the Divinity in you.
Lotus painting for sanctuary generously donated by
Paul and Joyce Jurgensen. Artist: Sandy Knapp.
There are many ways to deepen your connection to Interfaith and cultivate awareness of your blessings through service.

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Talk to Randall Counts, our Greeter Coordinator, after a Sunday service or email Randall at jrandallcounts@yahoo.com.

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Marice Clark brings flowers for the altar but occasionally needs someone to fill in when she cannot attend. Additional flowers are always appreciated. You may contact Marice at studiosaluki@yahoo.com.

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Submit an article, poem, photo, book review, or your ideas for our newsletter, Interfaith Inspirer. Submissions are due to Norah Reilly at nkreilly58gm@gmail.com by the 10th of the month for publication the following month. Submissions that are not time-sensitive may be saved for a future publication.

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Readings and meditations are three to five minutes long and of your choosing. A sign-up book is on or near the welcome table in the social hall.

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Sit at the Welcome table for about 30 minutes after the Sunday service to hand out welcome packets, help with sign-ups for volunteer opportunities, and greet visitors and those who are new to the Center. It’s a great way to meet folks! Please contact Annemarie at ahowse21@gmail.com or leave a message at 818-667-2815.

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No sign-up is required. And remember, the first Sunday of the month is potluck!

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This can be as simple as re-posting events on your social media page or inviting your friends to attend an event. You can check out our Facebook page, Facebook.com/interfaithspirit, and excerpts of our services can be found on our YouTube page, YouTube.com/interfaith704.

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The chorale performs 2-3 times a year. For more information, please text Dawn Swartz, our choir director at 313-204-0060 or leave a voice message.

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Run the sound board, help with online streaming, or be backup for keeping the website up-to-date. Contact Layla Ananda at layla.ananda@interfaithspirit.org.

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The committee assists members who are ill, injured, or otherwise in need of rides, meals, and moral support. They also host holiday meals at the center. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm (on Zoom) to coordinate care. Please complete this form if you need help or can offer help. Or you can contact the Caring Committee – Marilyn Alf:  sdtoaa@gmail.com; (734) 686-7849.

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Do you have a vision for the Interfaith Center? The trustees hold the vision and establish policies. Any member may stand for election. Voting takes place during the annual meeting in the spring (it’s not too early to start thinking about it). All are welcome to attend board meetings (in person or on Zoom). Meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
More information on the Board and Leadership.

For these and other volunteer opportunities, please contact Annemarie at ahowse21@gmail.com or leave a message at 818-667-2815.

Image of Namaste greeting between two men. The "Namaste" greeting we share during services reflects the spirit with which we work and play together -- honoring and recognizing the Divinity in each one.
The “Namaste” greeting — honoring the Divinity in each of us.