Welcome to the Interfaith Inspirer blog

new-growthLast Saturday, the Interfaith Center celebrated its 17th birthday. In addition to a tasty potluck, games, and reflections from founding minister David Bell,  the Center honored the occasion by launching a new website.  It was a fitting time to unveil this new branch of our community:  not just a birthday, but also the day of the Spring Equinox.

As an organization, the Center is approaching adulthood.  The new website reflects the richness and depth of spiritual support this community has developed over the course of 17 years, offered freely to people of all religious orientations.  One of the exciting features of the new website is the inclusion of new forum for nourishing spirit — this blog.

The blog will feature meditations and readings offered by volunteers during Sunday services.  We’ll share ideas from the Youth Education teachers to support parents in nurturing their children’s hearts and spirits.  At times, we’ll also post videos of Sunday services for out-of-towners audience.  Please join the conversation.  We’re betting that like the open mic time after Sunday services, there will be golden nuggets in the exchange. Your voice is welcome here.

Lindsay Passmore,
Board of Trustees and Webmaster