Associate Minister
& Administrator

Delyth is a founding member of the Center, a longtime student of Vipassana Meditation and Spiritual Inquiry, and an ordained Minister from Fellowship for Today School of Ministry. She grew up in a religious home with parents who devoutly studied the Bible. Later, after decades as an agnostic, she built the foundation of her spiritual practice on Buddhist teachings and A Course in Miracles.
Delyth lives in Grass Lake , MI with her partner Randall Counts. She has served as Associate Minister since 2010 and Administrator of the Center since 2012. Delyth has retired from her full time career as a Speech-Language Pathologist, however, works with Rehab Without Walls on a limited basis. Her grown daughters now live in California and Florida. Visiting her young grandson in Florida has become a new passion.
Delyth’s favorite Buddhist quote:
“Abandon what is unwholesome.
One can abandon the unwholesome.
If it were not possible I would not ask you to do it.
If this abandonment of the unwholesome would bring harm and suffering I would not ask you to abandon it.
But as the abandonment of the unwholesome brings benefit and wellness therefore I say abandon what is unwholesome.Cultivate the wholesome.
One can cultivate the wholesome.
If it were not possible I would not ask you to do it
If this cultivation of the wholesome would bring harm and suffering
I would not ask you to cultivate it.
But as the cultivation of the wholesome brings benefit and wellness
therefore I say cultivate what is wholesome.”
phone: (734) 657-5384
Office hours:
Available by appointment.